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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Upcoming Outage for Nevada Registry Account Services

An important and necessary upgrade to our document management system will be occurring soon. The online membership application, renewal and trainer renewal processes will experience outages during these times. First Scheduled Update: July 25, 2024 7:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on July 26, 2024. Second Scheduled Update: August 6, 2024 5:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on August 7, 2024 . Thank you for your patience and understanding while these import updates are completed!

The trainer renewal period is now open to eligible trainers (trainers who fully met the renewal criteria by December 31, 2019). Log into your Online Portal today and click on the red ‘Trainer Renewal Application’ tab to renew. Once your trainer approval status has been renewed you may begin entering new and duplicate training sessions for approval. The process is quick and easy!  Trainer renewal applications will be reviewed and approved within two business days.

Note: Trainers who did not deliver four Registry-approved training sessions by December 31, 2019 are not eligible to renew for a period of one year. Additionally, trainers who have not yet submitted documentation via their ‘Trainer Renewal Eligibility Status’ tab to verify completion of 15 continuing education hours (three in adult learning; 12 in general topics), are not eligible to renew their trainer approval status until certificates have been uploaded and verified by The Nevada Registry. Do not delay! The sooner you upload your documents, the sooner you may be eligible to renew.