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The Nevada Department of Education, Office of Career Readiness, Adult Learning, and Education Options is in the process of updating the Career and Technical Education standards for the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program of study. The revision will include going from a three-year to a two-year program and updating the current standards to meet the requirements of industry.  This will provide more access and opportunities for Nevada’s students. As part of this process, input from industry professionals on what skills are most needed is crucial.  These standards are in the Education and Training Career Cluster and connect to careers such as,  preschool teacher, PreK – 3rd grades teacher, childcare facilities director, teaching assistant, social services worker, daycare licensing specialist, early intervention specialist, home and school liaison, program director, therapeutic behavior specialist, family service representative, parent educator, and activities director.

This survey is designed for business and industry professionals. Career and Technical Education classroom teachers who are currently teaching the Early Childhood Education program standards should not take the survey.

The following are considered business and industry professionals for this program area who would provide valuable input for this survey: early childhood educators, preschool teachers in commercial businesses and home care settings, school administrators and curriculum specialists, commercial and home childcare providers, ECE program director, parent educator, activities director, as well as ECE college professors. We are looking for a minimum of 30 respondents.

If you are a business and industry professional, please consider taking the survey.  We expect the survey to take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. With Google Forms you are not able to go back in once you start, so plan to finish it when you start. Please complete the survey by Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

The link to the survey is located below.