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NAEYC’s CEO, Rhian Evans Allvin along with Maria-Isabel Ballivian, Executive Director of NAEYC-accredited ACCA Child Development Center; Julie Kashen, Director, Women’s Economic Justice, and Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation; and Ellen Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer, Georgia Child Care Association testified in front of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee this morning.

They shared the urgency and importance of using the reconciliation process to prioritize significant and sustained investments in affordable, quality childcare and PreK, provided by early childhood educators who are supported and compensated for their skilled, valuable, and essential work.

Watch the Hearing

Your individual voice is just as important. Join these star witnesses in telling Congress that these investments cannot wait until another day and time. Send a message to your member of Congress today about the importance of funding child care and preK through reconciliation for a successful and equitable economic recovery.

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