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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Upcoming Outage for Nevada Registry Account Services

An important and necessary upgrade to our document management system will be occurring soon. The online membership application, renewal and trainer renewal processes will experience outages during these times. First Scheduled Update: July 25, 2024 7:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on July 26, 2024. Second Scheduled Update: August 6, 2024 5:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on August 7, 2024 . Thank you for your patience and understanding while these import updates are completed!

Is technology burning you out? Have you tried everything to no avail? Do you and the computer just not speak the same language? If so, we have good news! The Nevada Registry is excited to announce a new feature of the NEWS page designed to help break down the technology mystery – Tech Tips!

Each post will include simple, step-by-step instructions and/or links to user-friendly video tutorials designed to help ease the frustration factor when interacting with technology. Be sure to visit the NEWS page from time to time and filter your search by category (choose ‘Tech Tips’ from the list of options) to check out new tips and tricks available to help you navigate the online world that is now our reality!

Have an idea for a ‘Tech Tip’ post?
Send us your suggestion via the Contact Us page of our website.