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An important message from Lindsey Klaes, Human Services Supervisor/Washoe County Child Care Licensing:

Effective July 1, 2024, the State of Nevada Department of Welfare and Supportive Services Child Care Licensing Department will begin overseeing child care licensing in Washoe County. A formal announcement from the State of Nevada is anticipated in the coming weeks, but we wanted to ensure providers were notified sooner rather than later to give time to adequately process and prepare for the upcoming transition. Washoe County Child Care Licensing recognizes this is a significant change, and a change of this magnitude can feel unsettling. Please know the licensing team will be working through this transition with providers and hope to make the switch as painless as possible.

In an effort to align existing regulations and enforcement with those of State Child Care Licensing,  some changes will be implemented immediately. These include:

  • As of February 20, 2024, Washoe County has changed the number of children that constitutes a Child Care Facility from two to five, meaning a family child care provider in Washoe County can now care for up to four children without being licensed.
    • Please note, although licensure is no longer required for those in this category, it is still best practice and there are still several benefits to being licensed. If you fall in this category and are considering whether or not to maintain your license, please reach out to your licensing worker to discuss further.
  • Classroom ratios and group sizes must be adhered to at all times, both indoors and outdoors.
    • Many of you rely on the Washoe County outdoor ratios for breaks. If you foresee this expectation having a significant impact on your daily operations, please communicate with your Washoe County licensing worker. Washoe County Child Care Licensing is happy to problem-solve with providers to meet facility needs while coming into compliance with State expectations.
  • Washoe County Licensing will no longer be enforcing the family child care ratio maximum of four children under age three, instead reverting to a maximum of four children under age two.

Over the next few months, please expect additional information to be sent out regarding what you can expect moving forward, including additional changes to inspection expectations and processes. Additionally, at upcoming inspections your licensing worker will be available for questions and guidance. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out regarding your questions, comments, and concerns. Washoe County Child Care Licensing may not have all of the answers immediately, but is working diligently with partners at the state to ensure as smooth of a transition as possible.

Please contact Child Care Licensing: 775-337-4470