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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Upcoming Outage for Nevada Registry Account Services

An important and necessary upgrade to our document management system will be occurring soon. The online membership application, renewal and trainer renewal processes will experience outages during these times. First Scheduled Update: July 25, 2024 7:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on July 26, 2024. Second Scheduled Update: August 6, 2024 5:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on August 7, 2024 . Thank you for your patience and understanding while these import updates are completed!

In just a few short months from now, The Nevada Registry will unveil the next phase of our online system – the online membership application process for NEW MEMBERS. That’s right – SOON individuals will be able to submit their initial Membership Application online. No more copying, mailing costs or postal service delivery delays – the entire process will be completed electronically, including the uploading of training and educational documents. Not only will this new option save prospective new members time and money – it is good for the environment and is the next step in our continued transition to becoming a paperless system. Stay tuned to our NEWS and Facebook pages for more details coming soon!