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Today, educators, families and allies are coming together for A Day Without Child Care: A National Day of Action to show that our country does not work even one “day without child care.”

NAEYC sees you taking action virtually, or in person. You are attending rallies and writing letters to the editor. Some child care programs are working with parents and educators to close for all or part of the day to demonstrate that child care is essential.

Take Two Minutes to Take Action

If you have not committed to raising your voice for child care today, here is an opportunity to stand in solidarity with educators and families across the country.

Reach out to your Senators and Representatives to urge them to prioritize and pass necessary investments in quality child care and PreK.

Show Support for Early Childhood Educators on Social Media and in Person

  • Attend a rally or event taking place in your community!
  • Share a quick video of you talking about the importance of child care in your life.
  • Post a picture with one of these #SolveChildCare signs.
  • Please feel free to use one of these sample posts to get started:
    1. If Congress does not act to #SolveChildCare now, more programs will close, more #ECE educators will leave, and more families will not get the care they need. We stand together as families and educators because our nation doesn’t work even one #DayWithoutChildCare.
    2. Today is the day! Parents and providers are coming together to show that now is the time for all of us to stand together to make sure Congress prioritizes funding for child care and PreK. #SolveChildCare #DayWithoutChildCare

Thank you for standing together at this critical moment to show how essential early childhood education and early childhood educators truly are. NAEYC sees and appreciates each and every one of you!