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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Upcoming Outage for Nevada Registry Account Services

An important and necessary upgrade to our document management system will be occurring soon. The online membership application, renewal and trainer renewal processes will experience outages during these times. First Scheduled Update: July 25, 2024 7:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on July 26, 2024. Second Scheduled Update: August 6, 2024 5:00 pm PST through 8:00 am PST on August 7, 2024 . Thank you for your patience and understanding while these import updates are completed!

The Nevada Department of Education, Office of Early Learning and Development is excited to announce the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Standards, Revised 2023 were approved by the State Board of Education on November 1, 2023.

A soft launch will begin Spring, 2024 with statewide introductory training provided for early childhood educators and other key stakeholders. The new standards will officially take effect beginning on August 1, 2024. An Executive Summary has been prepared to inform the early childhood community about what is new and what will be familiar. The Office of Early Learning and Development will implement its dissemination plan to release the standards online in the upcoming weeks and begin printing hard copies of the document.

Please share your voice to let us know how you will interact with the standards by contributing to the page Nevada PK Standards Roll-Out: Workforce Input or scanning this QR code:

Contact Tina Springmeyer or Rachel Stepina with questions or comments.