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Dear Nevada Child Care Community,

The Nevada Child Care and Development Program (CCDP) has received notification from the Office of Child Care that the Child Care and Development Block grant will be receiving additional funds from the COVID Relief Package.

The Children’s Advocacy Alliance will be conducting a Town Hall Meeting on February 8th at 6pm. The Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, Child Care and Development Program (CCDP) will be available to answer questions about the COVID Relief funds at that time. We urge you to attend this online Town Hall Meeting (see meeting information below) and complete the attached  SURVEY.

We are hoping to collect information through this quick (less than five minutes required) survey from child care providers across the state regarding your current needs around the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey is completely voluntary, but this information will be extremely useful in providing information, guidance, and to maintain an open line of communication between providers, state administrators, and the Governor’s office.

Again, please complete the quick and easy SURVEY mentioned above to help us make informed decisions to help you all during this time.

Child Care Town Hall Meeting

Children’s Advocacy Alliance is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 7466 5704
Passcode: 736644
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Meeting ID: 879 7466 5704
Passcode: 736644
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