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Many states have passed regulations requiring participation in their State’s registry system. States with required participation have high workforce access, representation, and data. Nevada is one of these states!

In April of 2009, active participation with The Nevada Registry was adopted into State Child Care Licensing law and regulation for all ECE educators working in licensed childcare settings. Mandatory participation was fully phased in as of December 31, 2012 positioning The Nevada Registry to collect and provide a vast amount of essential, and previously unavailable, data on the ECE workforce in Nevada. Since that time, thousands of educators have applied for membership and contributed to the ECE workforce data landscape in Nevada.

The National Workforce Registry Alliance (NWRA) recently published the Registry Participation Requirements: A Policy Brief. This document highlights the benefits of mandatory participation and provides policy language, maps, and tables with comparisons that can be used to support legislative action in states that have not yet required participation within their registry.