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From Child Care Licensing:

Child care facility employees with a satisfactory fingerprint check awaiting complete background check results may: work under the supervision of qualified employees in a classroom, receive on-the-job training and may participate in and receive courses towards meeting the educational requirements of employees working in licensed child care facilities. If the employee’s background check has been initiated and proof of that initiation (receipt or copy of fingerprints to Nevada Department of Public Safety) is provided to the employer, then the employee may work in a classroom supervised by a fully qualified and background check caregiver and be counted in caregiver-to-child ratio. The employee can never be left alone with the children at any time while the background check results are pending

The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services’ Child Care Licensing (CCL) unit is working diligently to process background check submissions for facility employees, thereby ensuring the safety of Nevada’s youngest citizens.  Here is a little about the process:

  1. Fingerprint submission to the Nevada Department of Public Safety (NDPS)
  2. NDPS processes the fingerprints and generates results.
  3. Those results are then transferred to CCL for analysis. The results analysis follows two paths:
    1. no convictions = no other requirements for the individual
    2. convictions identified = determinations of eligibility must be made, and in some cases, the individual can work with courts to adjust their record.
  4. Out-of-state requirements = If the individual has lived outside the state of Nevada, then background information must also be obtained from other states.

Each of these steps in the process takes time and can delay a final determination. Facilities are encouraged to regularly check the Nevada Automated Background Check System (NABS) for eligibility updates.

CCL staff thank you for your understanding. They know child care providers need trained and qualified workers in the classroom.

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