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Updated August 2024

The Nevada Registry considers fraud the intentional misrepresentation, manipulation or deception to gain an unfair advantage over an individual or system. Examples of possible fraud include, but are not limited to, the manipulation of training certificates, alteration of transcripts/diplomas, falsified information on the membership application/renewal form including falsified work history and forged or manipulated attendance records.

The Nevada Registry attempts to safeguard against fraud by requiring all members to sign a release statement in the last section of the online membership application and renewal form. Signing the application is an acknowledgement the information contained within an application is true and correct. The Nevada Registry assumes the information provided on the application and supporting documentation is true, unless there is clear evidence to believe otherwise. The Nevada Registry reserves the right to investigate any suspected fraud*. Fraud will also be investigated if a substantiated report or referral is made to The Nevada Registry by an external party.

The suspicion of fraud is handled on an individual basis with the understanding an individual may unknowingly, and therefore, unintentionally, misrepresent work experience and/or training. The course of action taken will be determined by the nature and seriousness of the suspected fraud.

*Suspected fraud is taken seriously. Because The Nevada Registry is not a regulatory agency, suspicions of fraud may be forwarded to Child Care Licensing for further investigation/action, a facility director and/or other appropriate agency based on the nature of the suspected fraud.