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The Nevada Registry’s Vision and Mission were originally created in 2005 when the Registry was in its infancy. Both statements were recently reviewed by members of the Registry Advisory Committee and revised in May 2020. A Value Statement was also formulated as part of the revision process.


Nevada’s diverse and stable Early Care and Education workforce is well-educated, highly-skilled, valued, equitably compensated and supported by a comprehensive professional development system to support positive outcomes for children and families.


The Nevada Registry recognizes and supports the Early Care and Education (ECE) workforce by promoting members’ professional growth and contributing to workforce data and research to foster high quality early learning for children birth through age eight.

Value Statement 

The Nevada Registry is committed to delivering services in a professional and respectful manner while valuing each member’s personal and professional journey. We openly collaborate with partners and stakeholders to strengthen the state early childhood system and elevate public awareness of Early Care and Education as an essential resource for the community.