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The State-Funded FREE Telehealth Benefits Program Ends on January 31, 2025

New self-pay insurance options are now available for a February 1, 2025 effective date. If you have questions about your existing free benefits or the upcoming self-pay enrollment process, please contact Brandon DiCesare with Optima Benefits & Payroll at or at 866-839-0511.

Learn More

The data collected from the Membership Application is used to build Career Development Files for each member and helps us accurately reflect an individual’s unique professional and educational background in ECE; resulting in an appropriate and correct Career Ladder level placement. The data also helps us gain knowledge about the Early Childhood Education (ECE) workforce and can assist in making positive changes to the professional development system in Nevada.

As you will find when reviewing the statistical reports available on this site, the information collected through the application process and the training approval system is never disclosed with any identifying information attached. Any data provided to the community via this website and/or collaborators through other means, is combined in order to report on large groups of people, rather than on any individual member. This and ALL other information contained in each member’s Career Development File is confidential.

History in the Making

Participation in The Nevada Registry became a requirement for all caregivers working in licensed child care settings in April of 2009 (as per State Child Care Licensing regulations R112-06 and R001-09) and was fully phased-in as of December 31, 2012. Mandatory participation with the Registry means that we now have a representative picture of the ECE workforce in our state for the first time in Nevada’s history. It is our hope and intention that Registry data will be used to support and inform the decision-making process about the development of an improved Early Care and Education system in Nevada, including providing data to the Nevada State Legislature in support of increased funding for programs, all of which is possible only when participation with the Registry is mandatory.